The lab insights platform

Increase your lab effectiveness with Next-Gen Introspect™

Optimize your lab's performance with Introspect. Gain insights to enhance instrument effectiveness, reduce errors, and secure a tangible return on investment. Experience peace of mind through remote monitoring, boost operator productivity with seamless connectivity and empower your decision-making with data-backed insights. It's not just a promise; instead, it's a demonstrated pathway to efficiency, productivity, and measurable success for your lab.

Instrument effectiveness

Identify underutilized instruments, increase success rate and boost equipment effectiveness, leading to an enhanced return on investment.

Data-driven decision making

Concrete proof of ROI through robust usage data analytics, guiding informed decisions for continuous improvement.

  • New Introspect score to track and improve utilization, performance and quality of your instruments.
  • Actionable insights – advanced algorithms suggest how to increase your fleet productivity.
  • Increase walk-away time with real-time monitoring of the instrument status.
  • Enable Tecan’s fastest service capabilities with remote diagnosis and support.

Ready to transform your lab today?

Unlock efficiency, productivity, and data driven insights.

Contact us now.